
Hi there! Here’s the most important stuff about me:

I’m a writer. I write novels. I write blogs. I write recipes. I write long-winded rants that I never post. I write stories about my kids that I’m forbidden to post. Very occasionally, I write really bad poetry. I’ve written several memoirs about rescuing dogs and am still toiling over a memoir about my challenging horse, True, who stole my heart and then dumped me on my butt. I wrote a whole book on how you can be healthier and happier (with directions and everything!). If you want to know more about my published writing, click here.

I’m a mom. I have one starter-adult, one kid in college, and one in high school. So this means that I know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I’m sure my brain will return in about five or six years.

I’m also a dog foster mom. So far, we’ve saved 165 dogs from shelters in the south. I write a blog all about these adventures. Click here to check it out. I’ve spent a lot of time in southern shelters and it has moved me to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, so I created a mission called, Who Will Let the Dogs Out. You can learn more about it here.

I don’t have time for much else, but if I did, I’d take up yoga, have a weed-free garden, run a few more trail races, and read a lot more books. To see what I’ve read, am reading, and want to read, check me out on goodreads.

I love gathering friends on facebook, twitter, and instagram. Let’s connect!

And if you really want to chat, feel free to email me: carasueachterberg@gmail.com

One last thing, I go by Cara, not Cara Sue, I just use my full name as my by-line because it makes my mother happy.