The Inherent Danger in Perfectionism for Writers (and Humans)

This next chapter is a short one (they all are really because Lamott doesn’t mince words). The focus is perfectionism and the danger it poses toward you as a writer.

I would say it poses just as much a threat to you as a person.

Here’s what Lamott writes:

“Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life, and it is the main obstacle between you and a shitty first draft.”

SO true, right?

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My personal book club (Meeting 2) and a FREE book just for you!

Welcome back to my personal book club. (don’t worry I’ll tell you about your free book in a moment)

Because the chapters are so short, for this next book club gathering, I’ve covered the first three chapters of Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott.

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My Book Club of One: Bird by Bird

I miss having a book club. Since moving to the valley, I’ve been a reading club of one.

I did try to get a book club going in the early days, but meetings were rescheduled or hijacked by too much wine and one by one everyone dropped out. It died after a very short run in which I think we might have read four books (none that I remember well except the one about Elon Musk which I had to read while holding my nose).

Continue reading “My Book Club of One: Bird by Bird”