My Book Club of One: Bird by Bird

I miss having a book club. Since moving to the valley, I’ve been a reading club of one.

I did try to get a book club going in the early days, but meetings were rescheduled or hijacked by too much wine and one by one everyone dropped out. It died after a very short run in which I think we might have read four books (none that I remember well except the one about Elon Musk which I had to read while holding my nose).

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One Month into My 2024 Challenge

A month into my Lighten Your Load, Lighten Your Life challenge and I am feeling lighter. In lots of ways.

The group on Facebook (you can join too – click here) provides not just encouragement and inspiration, but accountability too.

To recap, in case you missed it: I challenged people to consider getting rid of a set number of things in your life every day for a year. I committed to getting rid of five things, but everyone can pick their number and some in the group chose to pick a number for each week. We’re flexible and friendly, so don’t be intimidated.

Initially, I thought the ‘things’ I would be getting rid of would be tangible items – all the crap cluttering my closets, house, office, barn, car, etc., but the group has definitely expanded that idea. Some people are clearing out their computer files, the pictures on their phones, attitudes that restrict them, rules that bind, even people that drag down their souls.

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